The difference between logo, brand and identity

When most people think of brand, the first thing that comes to mind is a logo. A logo is of course an important element but it's just part of the puzzle. Let's take a closer look at some key terms on the topic and explain the difference between them.

What is a Logo?

You've probably figured it out by now that your logo is not your brand. It's simply a way to identify your brand, a graphic element that is used to represent your business. Think of it as an emblem of your company.

Let's take Dove for example. Their logo is one of the easiest to recognize in the cosmetics industry - the famous gold bird icon accompanied by graceful wordmark written in cursive.

What is a Brand?

Your brand is the perception that people have of your business. It's the idea they have in mind when thinking about your products and services. It's how they feel about you.

If we get back to our example, Dove is a brand often associated with care and tenderness. Their iconic beauty bar has been around for a long time, loved by many for its creamy texture. When I think of it, words like "gentle" and "soft" pop into my mind.

What is Brand Identity?

Your brand identity is a set of tangible elements used to create the image of your brand. It consists of visual elements such as logo, colors, typography, imagery etc. But it may also include non visual elements such as your slogan or voice you use to bring your brand to life.

Dove's brand identity has always evoked tenderness and elegance. Besides the logo, we should also mention their color palette of white (which we see predominantly on their packaging), blue and gold, a combination that brings a sense of purity and peace.

What is Branding?

Branding is the actions you take as a business to shape the perceptions people have about your company. Crafting your message and creating your brand identity fall in this category. Branding is also sharing stories on social media, talking about your values, choosing partnerships, launching ad campaigns etc. It's the efforts you make to establish a certain image of your business.

When to get started with brand design?

A lot of entrepreneurs rush to designing a logo as soon as they start their business. But while the visual aspect of your brand is essential, there are other important things to consider before jumping into design. Think about your customers first, the people you want to serve, and what kind of relationship you want to build with them. What do you want to be known for? How do you want people to feel when they interact with your brand? Once you have clarity on the foundations, it's time to translate all that into a visual language and come up with brand identity that will match your vision.

Need help with the visuals? I’d love to hear about your project! Feel free to reach out to me or check out my services.


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